

Rasa nak mengamuk tak when u enjoys ur driving moments in a relaxing situation while following the road rules then suddenly kapooomm! This stupwhutwhut car at ur back pop out from nowhere and seems like cocok-ing ur car. I was like whtheckurdoindmmit!
Its 80 dude, 80!
And the most tak boleh terima akal, it’s happened at nite. Da la aku ni loser bila drive waktu malam, dia boleh lak tailgating aku dari belakang alongside ngan lampu kalimantang dia tu (sory I don’t know the scientific name for that wootwoot house lamp). I was like give him way to cut the line but he insists and willing to follow my carbontot. I know we were gojes dude, tapi jangan la sampai tak sampai hati nak potong. But I would like to invent an electronic digital sign yang meriah to place on the rear of my car that I could activated it whenever this loser tailgating me that says “BACK OFF!!” like this sticker below;

Or maybe this,
And kalau tak faham lagi maybe boleh letak yang ni!

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